Quick Loan

What is Quick Loan?

Granting quick loans among many villages’ medium income level people to up lift their living standards.

It’s a general term to describe financial services to low-income individuals or to those who do not have access to typical banking services. Also the idea that low-income individuals are capable of lifting themselves out of poverty if given access to financial services

With a loan as small as Rs. 25,000 – Rs. 100,000 to buy a sewing machine or seeds to plant a vegetable farm, families are able to start their own business and transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities.

Success Stories

Our Loan Customers - Tissamaharama Branch

Our Loan Customers - Badulla Branch

Our Loan Customers - Ratnapura Branch

Our Loan Customers - Bandarawela Branch

Our Loan Customers - Balangoda Branch

Our Loan Customers - Welimada Branch

Our Loan Customers - Rikillagaskada Branch

Our Loan Customers - Gampaha Branch